Wednesday, January 23, 2019

VT Liscensure: Standards 1-4

Standard 1: Learner Development
Performance Criterion 1.1: Learning Theory.
Performance Criterion 1.2: Developmental Theory.

Standard 2: Learning Differences
Performance Criterion 2.1: Individual Differences.
Performance Criterion 2.2: Diverse Cultures & Communities.

Standard 3: Learning Environments
Performance Criterion 3.1: Active Engagement.
Performance Criterion 3.2: Positive Social Interaction.

Standard 4: Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Performance Criterion 4.1: Communicate Central Concepts.

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My Conversation Partner

After conversing with my colleagues,  I think that my conversation partner (hereafter referred to as H) is a level 4 in WIDA standards. H is...